Monday, 30 July 2012

Steps to Better Parenting-Part 2

Define Family Rules and Enforce Them Promptly


“The fact is,” says a sociologist at the University of Georgia, “kids fare better with clear rules and firm consequences. Without structure, children become self-absorbed, selfish, and unhappy—and they make everyone around them miserable too.” “If you love your children, you will correct them,” adds the sociologist.

Steps to Better Parenting-Part 1


“A bouncing baby boy has been born, “so goes the famous saying.

The first time that parents hold a newborn child in their arms, they may be buffeted by conflicting emotions. “I felt deep joy and wonder,” says a father who lives in Britain. “But I also experienced an overwhelming sense of responsibility and felt unprepared for the job.” Says a mother who lives in Argentina, says: “I worried about whether I could care for my little girl’s needs. I wondered, ‘Will I be able to train her to become a responsible adult?"

How can such parents solve their doubts?By following this steps:

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