Between 1960 and 1990, divorce rates more than doubled in most
Western industrialized countries. In some lands they increased fourfold. For
example, every year about 35,000 marriages are contracted in Sweden , and
about half of them will break up, involving over 45,000 children. Couples
cohabiting without marriage split up at an even greater rate, affecting further
tens of thousands of children. A similar trend is emerging in countries all
over the world.
True, broken families and dissolution of marriages are not new in
history. The Code of Hammurabi of the 18th century B.C.E. included laws that
allowed divorce in Babylonia . Even in the
ancient God’s chosen nation,Israel ,divorce
existed.However, family bonds have never been weaker than in this 20th century.
More than a decade ago, a newspaper columnist wrote: "Fifty years from
now, we may not we may not even have any
families in the traditional sense. They may have been replaced by collectives
of different types." And the trend since then seems to confirm his idea.
The family institution has deteriorated so rapidly that the question, "Will
it survive?" is becoming increasingly relevant.
Incidentally, in 1983 it was reported that a
man and a woman in the former Soviet republic
of Azerbaijan celebrated
their 100th wedding anniversary—at the age of 126 and 116 respectively.
What Is the Threat?
In many countries some of the grounds for legal divorce are
adultery, mental or physical cruelty, desertion, alcoholism, impotence,
insanity, bigamy, and drug addiction. However, a more general cause is that the
fundamental attitude toward marriage and traditional family life has changed
radically, especially during recent decades. Respect for an institution long
held sacred has eroded. Greedy producers of music, motion pictures TV soap operas, and popular literature
have glorified so-called sexual freedom, immorality, loose conduct, and a
self-centered life-style. They have promoted a culture that has polluted the
minds and hearts of young and old alike.
A 1996 poll showed that 22
percent of Americans say that an extramarital affair can sometimes be good for
a marriage. A special issue of one of Sweden 's biggest newspapers, Aftonbladet, urged women to get
a divorce because "it can only be better." Some pop psychologists and
anthropologists have even speculated that man is "programmed" by
evolution to switch mates every few years. In other words, they are suggesting
that extramarital affairs and divorces are natural. Some even argue that a
parental divorce may be good for the children, preparing them to cope with
their own divorce some day!
Many youths no longer desire to live a traditional family life, with father, mother, and children. "I cannot imagine living all my life with the same partner," is a popular view. "Marriage is like Christmas, just a fairy tale. I just don't believe in it," said an 18-year-old Danish lad. "The feeling is, why bother to live with [men] and wash their socks," Noreen Byrne of the National Women's Council in
One-Parent Households on the
All over Europe
this attitude has led to a rapid increase in single motherhood. Some of these
single parents are teenagers who feel that an unplanned pregnancy is not a
mistake. A few are women who want to raise their child alone. Most are mothers
who cohabit with the father for some time, without any plans to marry him. News week magazine ran a cover
story last year on the question "The Death of Marriage?" It stated
that the percentage of live births outside marriage is increasing rapidly in Europe and that no one seems to care. Sweden may top
the list, with half of all babies there born outside marriage. In Denmark and Norway
it is close to half, and in France
and England ,
about 1 in 3.
In the United States , two-parent families
have declined dramatically in the last few decades. One report says: "In 1960,9
percent of all children lived in single-parent homes. By 1990, that number had
soared to 25 percent. Today, 27.1 percent of all American children are born
into single-parent homes, a number that is on the rise. . . . Since 1970, the
number of one-parent families has more than doubled. The traditional family is
so threatened today that it could be on the verge of extinction, say some
In countries where the Roman
Catholic Church has lost much of its moral authority, single-parent families
are on the increase. Fewer than half of Italian households consist of mother,
father, and children, and the traditional family is being replaced with
childless couples and single-parent households.
The welfare system in some
countries actually encourages people not to marry. Single mothers who receive
public assistance would lose it if they married. Single mothers in Denmark
get additional child-care subsidies, and in some communities, underage mothers
get extra cash and have their rent paid for them. Thus, money is involved. Alf
B. Svensson claims that a divorce in Sweden costs the taxpayers between
250 thousand and 375 thousand dollars in subsidies, housing allowances, and
social assistance.
So where is the family institution heading? Is there hope for its survival? Can individual families preserve their unity while under such a massive threat?
Wow!! You really value family!
ReplyDeleteyah coz families are what make the world
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