Wednesday 25 July 2012

How To Be a good father

HOW can a father avoid making his children feel bitter? It is vital that he recognize the importance of his role as a father. “Fatherhood turns out to be a complex and unique phenomenon with huge consequences for the emotional and intellectual growth of children,” says one journal on mental health.

What is the role of a father? In many families the father is seen primarily as the one who dispenses discipline. Many a mother has told a misbehaving child, ‘Just wait till your father gets home!’ To be sure, children need balanced discipline and a measure of firmness if they are to become well-adjusted adults. More, though, is involved in being a good father.

Sadly, not every father had a good example to help him. Some men were raised without a father in the home. But in other cases, men who were brought up by a rigid, strict father may tend to treat their children the same way. How can such a father break that pattern and improve his parenting skills?If he applies the folowing tips:

Be a Loving Father


Never be reluctant to tell your children that you love them. Kelvin, a father of five, says: “I have always tried to express my love for my children not only by telling them that I love them but also by showing a personal interest in each one of them. I shared in changing their diapers and in bathing them.” In addition, your children need to know that they have your approval. So do not be overly critical, constantly correcting them. Rather, be generous with praise. Donizete, who has two teenage girls, recommends, “A father should make a point of looking for opportunities to commend his children.” Knowing that they have your approval can help your children to have a healthy sense of self-worth. That, in turn, can help them to draw closer to God.

Lead by Example

A father needs to be a positive example to his children
Do your children find it difficult to apologize? Here again, example is important. One father  remembers an occasion when two of his boys broke an expensive camera. He got so angry that he pounded a wooden table and it split in two. He felt very bad afterward and apologized to all, including his wife, for having lost his temper. He feels that his apology had a positive effect on his children; they do not have any difficulty in saying that they are sorry.


Provide a Conducive Environment

Your children need a happy environment. Taking the time to play with your children can help to create such an environment. Playing together helps parent and child to bond. On father agrees with that. He has a teenage son and says: “Setting aside time for recreation with my son has been very important to our relationship. We play games together, associate with friends, and visit enjoyable places. This has strengthened our sense of family togetherness.”

Discipline Your Children

Children need discipline so that they can grow up to be productive and responsible adults. Some parents seem to think that disciplining their children involves severe treatment, including harsh threats or belittling insults.Occasionally, punishment may be necessary. A child, though, should understand why he is being punished. Parental discipline should never leave a child feeling rejected. "When I needed to correct my children about serious matters, I always tried to make it clear that my motive for correcting them was my love for them,”says one father.

Protect Your children

Children need to be protected from unwholesome influences and potentially harmful associates. Sadly, there are “wicked men” in this world who are bent on exploiting innocent children. How can you protect your children? To shield your children from calamity, you must be alert to dangers. Anticipate situations that could lead to problems, and take due precautions. For example, if you allow your children access to the Internet, be sure that they know how to use it safely. It may be best to keep the computer in an open area where you can easily monitor its use.

A father needs to prepare and train his children for the dangers they may face in this abusive world. Do your children know what to do in case someone tries to take advantage of them when you are not present?Your children need to know the proper and improper use of their private body parts.  “I never left this training to others, not even their teachers. I felt that it was my personal responsibility to teach my children about sex and the danger of child molesters,”says one father.

Yes,all children need to be raised by a good father.If you as a father apply the above,you will be a successful parent.


  1. awesome.all fathers need to read this

  2. fathers need to be there for their kids

  3. FATHER figure is an important unit in the family, tho handle the boyz during adolescence and for the girls DAD+ME= SECURITY


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